Positive pay file in AX 2012

Positive pay file overview

The issuing company periodically sends a positive pay file to its bank, in which are listed the check numbers, dates, and amounts of all checks issued.

When a check is presented to the bank for payment, the bank teller compares the information on the check to the information submitted by the company. If there is a discrepancy, the bank holds the check and notifies the company.

The steps above allow you to generate positive pay file in AX.

Create a secure folder for positive pay files

Create the folder where you want to store all positive pay files

Create a folder where you want to store all generated positive files, such as \PositivePay\Out.

Create a folder where you want to store XSL transform file, such as \PositivePay\BankXSLT.

Grant Write access for the \PositivePay folder to the Microsoft Dynamics AX Application Object Server (AOS) service account.


Create xslt file and put it into BankXSLT folder. Example of the files was taken from TechNet.


Set up an outbound port for positive pay files

To set up an outbound port for positive pay files, follow these steps:

  1. Click System administration > Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework > Positive pay service > Outbound ports for positive pay.
  2. In the Payment format field, provide a format name, such as PosPay.
  3. In the XSLT field, select an XSL transform file that matches the format that is required by your bank.
  4. In the Outbound folder field, select the location where you want to save the positive pay files after they are transformed, such as PositivePay\Out.

Make sure that the Microsoft Dynamics AX users who generate payments have Write access to this folder.


Click Create ports. A message states that the port was deployed successfully.


Once this is done an Outbound Port will be created in System Administration > Setup > Services and Application Integration Framework > Outbound Ports.


Set up a number sequence for positive pay files

Each positive pay file must have a unique number.

To set up a number sequence for positive pay files, follow these steps:

  1. Click Cash and bank management > Setup > Cash and bank management parameters.
  2. Click the Number sequences
  3. For the Positive pay number reference, select a number sequence.


Set up a batch job to generate positive pay files

Set up a batch job that automatically processes the file that is created by the positive pay service. The batch job must also run the transform on the file so that it matches the format that is required by your bank.

  1. Click System administration > Inquiries > Batch jobs > Batch jobs.
  2. Press Ctrl+N to create a batch job.
  3. In the Job description field, enter a description such as Generate positive pay files.
  4. Save the batch job.

positive-pay-batch-jobClick View tasks.

Create the following tasks.

  • Class name: AIFGatewaySendService
  • Class name: AIFOutboundProcessingService

tasks-for-positive-payClose the Batch tasks

In the Batch job form, select the batch that you created and then click Recurrence.

In the Recurring pattern field group, select Minutes. In the Count field, enter the number of minutes, such as 1 minute to process payment files every one minute.


Click OK to close the Recurrence

In the Batch job form, select the batch that you created and then click Functions > Change status.


Select Waiting.


Assign a positive pay format to bank accounts

For each bank account that you want to generate positive pay information assign the positive pay format.

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Cash and bank management > Common > Bank accounts.
  2. Double-click a bank account.
  3. On the Action Pane, click Edit.
  4. On the General FastTab, in the Positive pay format field, select the positive pay format that was previously created for this bank.
  5. In the Positive pay start date field, enter the first date to generate positive pay files. It is important to enter a date here because without the date, the first positive pay file that you generate includes all checks that were ever created for this bank account.


Create payment for bank account that will be processed by positive pay file

  1. Click Accounts payable > Journals > Payment journal.
  2. Press Ctrl+N to create a journal.
  3. In the Name field, select a journal name.
  4. Save the journal.
  5. Click Lines.
  6. In the Account field, enter a vendor account.
  7. In the Offset account type field, select a bank.
  8. In the Offset account field, select a bank account created previously.
  9. Click Function -> Settlement.
  10. Mark outstanding invoice and click Close.
  11. Make sure that Method of payment is CHECK.


Click Function -> Settlement. Select Export format CHECK and bank account created previously. Click OK.


Make sure that Payment status has been changed to Sent.

Make sure that Check number has been created.


Click Cash and bank management > Common > Bank accounts > Checks

Make sure that generated check is correct.


Create positive pay file

You can create positive pay file from two locations:

–Cash and Bank Management > Periodic > Positive Pay file. Once you choose this option, you will need to fill Positive Pay format, company and bank.

–Cash and Bank Management > Common > Bank Accounts > Select bank account from list page > Manage Payments tab in Ribbon > Positive Pay. Once you choose this option, all required information already filled.



Select Cut-off date and click OK.


Infolog message doesn’t mean that this file actually been generated. The file will be generated once batch job is executed and ended without errors.

Check Positive pay file summary to make sure my file generated with payments: Cash and Bank Management > Inquiries > Positive Pay File Summary. In this form you can see if file was created, view details about it, or even recall the file if we did not want to include the payments in this file.


Once the file is created, an AIF job is put into the AIF queue manager. This can be seen in System Administration > Periodic > Services and Application Integration Framework > Queue Manager.


Batch Job we will processes the AIF job and ultimately writes Positive Pay file to the Out location. Once the batch job processes the AIF job it should disappear from the Queue Manager.


Since I ended up with write permission error, I had to re-setup path to the Out folder.


I went to the environment where AOS is run and created the following folders.


Deactivated Outbound port and changed the path.


Re-setup Outbound ports for positive pay.


Waited until next batch run is completed and checked the log – no errors.


Batch job ended successfully without errors. File has been created.


Xml positive pay file contains the following info:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?><Envelope xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2011/01/documents/Message”><Header><MessageId&gt;{F00A6CF3-E499-47B7-BC9A-47DF11B4DFC7}</MessageId><Action>http://tempuri.org/BankPositivePayService/find</Action></Header><Body><MessageParts xmlns=”http://schemas.microsoft.com/dynamics/2011/01/documents/Message”><Document xmlns=”urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.001.001.02″ xmlns:xsi=”http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”&gt;

Vendor ID,Vendor Name,Voided,Document Type,Check Date,Check Number,Check Amount,Checkbook ID,Vendor Class ID,Posted Date



4 thoughts on “Positive pay file in AX 2012

  1. I copy the posPay file from TechNet but it says the root element is missing when I am trying to generate the file


  2. I literally copied and pasted the PosPay.xsl from TECHNET
    The file is listed below. Your help would be much appreciated



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